What is waste?
There is often a misconception that waste is all about packaging material- paper, card, plastic, foil etc. but it is actually anything that is thrown away. This therefore includes electronics, textiles, toys, garden rubbish and of course food.
In Buckinghamshire we are fortunate to have kerbside waste collection that enables us to dispose of recyclables, small electrical appliances, batteries, garden waste, food waste and non-recyclable waste. The goal here is to use this service properly and reduce the amount that goes into the general waste bin. There is still confusion amongst residents as to what can go in each collection bin.
For example: Buckinghamshire Recycles reports that over 1000kgs of non-recyclable waste is collected every home each year (ie. In general waste/black bin).
Of this: 15% is actually recyclable
32% is food waste
2% is garden waste
We are working closely with Buckinghamshire Recycles to improve these figures, help people cut back on all waste and understand what happens to our waste and why it is so important for us all to be invested in getting it right. There is lots of information on their website, www.recycleforbuckinghamshire.co.uk and the Waste Matters team will regularly attend sustainable events and our own Repair Cafes to answer questions on how to reduce waste, recycling dilemmas and how to live more sustainably. Come and chat with us or better still, join our team and help make a difference.