In the UK 30% of our greenhouse gas emissions arise from the food system and yet one third of the food we produce goes to waste. This wastage occurs on the farm, in the supermarket but mainly in our homes (70%). Changes in agriculture and land management are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and have the potential to sequester carbon. These changes can also increase biodiversity.
The interaction of land use, food production methods and our diets is complex and it can be difficult to decide on the most sustainable food choices. Some facts are clear though. We all need to reduce our consumption of meat and dairy products. We should eat more seasonally and reduce consumption of over-packaged and over-processed foods.
Most significantly we should reduce our food waste. The first Covid-19 lockdown showed this was possible as UK households reduced food waste by one third. WRAP has estimated that one day’s food waste in the UK is responsible for the equivalent carbon emissions as 14,000 cars for a year.